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Litter Quitter

The Hickory Litter Quitter campaign was born from the desire to protect our beautiful community from the persistent presence of litter. After all, litter is more than just an inconvenient eyesore; it’s a threat to humans and wildlife alike. This campaign is designed to inspire people to change behavior and make a public commitment to not litter - not ever - not even one piece.

Why You Should Be A Litter Quitter

Litter doesn’t just disappear on its own!

You’re helping reduce pollution and improving our environment.

You’re helping keep animals, pets, and even your kids safe from consuming garbage found on the ground.

You’re helping make your community beautiful.

Littering can lead to other community problems such as clogged drains, hazardous highways, dead plants, and greenery.

Catawba County is ranked #1 in the state for recycling by the NC Department of Environmental Quality, join in on the challenge to keep our communities clean and on top!

How You Can Be A Litter Quitter

  • Take responsibility for your trash
  • Hold others accountable for their trash
  • Return and secure lids to garbage cans
  • Properly package garbage so that it won’t spill
  • Cover open loads on trucks
  • Reduce, reuse, and recycle where possible
  • Use reusable shopping bags 
  • Donate unwanted items
  • Participate in or lead local litter sweeps
  • Join the City's Adopt-A-Street Program
  • Clean up after your pet
  • Teach younger generations to reduce, reuse, and recycle
  • Encourage your workplace to promote recycling
  • Businesses – place receptacles inside and outside your store
  • Properly dispose of cigarette butts and trash
  • Sign the pledge to be a Litter Quitter!

Report A Litterbug

Hickory Police Department has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to littering. Citizens can report littering to HPD several ways:

  • Call HPD at 828-328-5551 to report littering.
  • Submit a litterbug card to report an offense. Cards may be picked up at HPD or City Hall.

Reported offenders will be documented as litterbugs. They will also receive a letter from the Chief of Police letting them know that they were reported for littering within the City of Hickory and will get a ticket if seen littering by HPD in the future.

Coordinate a Litter Sweep

Hickory needs Litter Quitters who take action! If you're interested in coordinating a litter sweep in our community, we have the materials to help get you started. 

Coordinate a Litter Sweep

The Pledge

The Hickory Litter Quitter Oath is a promise to refrain from contributing even the smallest piece of litter to our Well Crafted community.
It’s a promise to take responsibility for your trash, even if it flies out of your hand on a windy day or if there’s no trash can nearby.
Take the extra step to protect the places we love.

Litter Quitters in Action


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