Hickory Public Library is a department of the City of Hickory, governed by Hickory City Council. Hickory Public Library has two library facilities, Patrick Beaver Memorial Library and Ridgeview Branch Library. The Library Advisory Board is appointed by City Council to serve as the citizens' voice with Library Administration and City Council.
The Library Advisory Board meets on a bimonthly basis. Locations alternate between Patrick Beaver Memorial Library and Ridgeview Branch Library. Meetings are held on the second Thursdays of January, March, May, July, September, and November at 4 p.m. All meetings are open to the public.
City of Hickory Poet Laureate Program
The City of Hickory Poet Laureate Program, managed by the City of Hickory Library Advisory Board, promotes literature and a communal appreciation of poetry within the city. The program celebrates the rich culture of Hickory and Catawba County while fostering artistic expression and community engagement with literacy and literature. Click the button below to learn more about this program.
Poet Laureate Program
Patrick Beaver Memorial
Ridgeview Branch
President, Friends of Hickory Public Library
President, Friends of Ridgeview Branch Library