The mission of the Community Appearance Commission is to enhance the appearance of the City of Hickory by advising on and implementing programs of general community beautification. Members help coordinate the activities of individuals, agencies, and organizations, both public and private, whose plans, activities, and programs bear upon the appearance of the City. A staff member from the Department of Planning and Development assists the Commission. The Commission meets the fourth Monday of each month at 4 p.m. The Commission is composed of ten members: one member from each of the six City wards, three members at-large (one of whom shall reside outside the City but within the HRPA), and one member of the Hickory Regional Planning Commission. The Commission also has one representative from the Hickory Youth Council. The term of the office is three years.
The Hickory Litter Quitter campaign was born from the desire to protect our beautiful community from the persistent presence of litter. Litter is more than just an inconvenient eyesore; it’s a threat to humans and wildlife alike. This campaign is designed to inspire people to change behavior and make a public commitment to not litter - not ever - not even one piece. Visit the Litter Quitter page to learn more and sign the pledge.
The Community Appearance Grant program is financed by the Hickory City Council and administered by the Community Appearance Commission (CAC). The purpose of the Community Appearance Grant is to improve the appearance of building facades in the Urban Revitalization Area; encourage improved design and building character in the Urban Revitalization Area; encourage investment in the Urban Revitalization Area; promote the beautification of Hickory and the importance of the City’s history; improve the appearance of privately-owned, non-residential properties through landscaping; encourage property owners to plant trees along major roadway corridors, but outside street ROW; promote the beautification of the City through tree planting along major roadway corridors; and encourage investment in the environment and aesthetics of the City.
The Community Appearance Commission annually accepts nominations for the Beautification Awards Program. Awards are presented to individuals and groups who have made an outstanding effort in beautifying their property either through landscaping or renovations and/or restorations to a building. Awards may be presented in the following categories:
From April through September each year, the Community Appearance Commission recognizes beautifully landscaped yards or properties that have made an effort to improve within the City of Hickory through the Beautification Recognition Program. Residents, property owners, and neighbors may submit yards and/or properties.
2024 Beautification Recognition Program
The Adopt-A-Spot Program was established to encourage individuals, businesses, and organizations to contribute toward the beautification of the City by adopting a “spot” on public property or in a right-of-way to beautify with flowers and/or shrubs and to maintain on a regular basis.
Adopt-A-Spot Information and Application
Hickory's Treasured Trees Program identifies, registers, and recognizes the largest, rarest, oldest, and most historically significant trees of various species within the City of Hickory, North Carolina.
Ward 1 - Lynn Sampson
Ward 2 - Cliff Moone
Ward 3 - Daria Jackson
Ward 4 - Delores Deal
Ward 5 - Nancy Zagaroli
Ward 6 - Doug Dickson
At-Large (outside City, within HRPA) - Vacant
At-Large - Tony Jackson
At-Large - Sharon Crosby
Planning Commission - Vacant
Youth Council - Yareli Saucedo-Garcia
Staff Liaison - Wilson Elliott (